Who do we compete for?

At the beginning of every track meet, the same 5 word question is asked every time, followed by the same 3 word response. One from the team prays and immediately after someone is asked to break us out, screaming “who do we compete for?” into the sky, usually consisting of a voice crack and many laughs, as a loud “for the Lord!” is shouted back in response, setting the tone for the meet ahead. 

Up until recently, I hadn’t really thought deeply about what I was saying in response to such a question, and how much power those three words held. It’s easy to make something a force of habit or fall into the inclination of a constant pattern. Performance before motivation; expression before realization. 

There’s several verses that come to mind when thinking of when we’re told in scripture to be a light for Christ and doing everything for the glory of Him. As I looked up Bible verses–specifically ones related to this topic–I found an even larger abundance of verses then I thought I would. I wasn’t as surprised as I was encouraged. 

Your light must shine before people in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” 

Matthew 5:16

Over and over again we’re told to be a light for others. That’s the reason I say “shine on” at the end of each of my posts, because I do hope and pray we all continue to be that beacon for Christ, and continue shining on through all the trials we encounter and even the days we feel like everything is going perfect. To truly know God and to make Him known.

It can seem impossible or crazy to glorify God in everything you do. There are so many moments throughout my day I feel like I’m doing virtually nothing, or at least nothing important enough that could possibly bring glory to God. Glory seems like such a big concept that we presuppose as something too elusive; too unachievable–yet even Webster’s Dictionary describes it as worshipful praise, honor and thanksgiving. I forget that glorifying God isn’t always in your actions, but also with your thoughts—and your thoughts provoke your actions. Another topic I’ll have to save for a later time 😉 

Glorifying God starts with a mindset, and I don’t think many people realize that.

“To love God with our minds is to hold Him in high esteem, to think about Him with reverence and with adoration. The more we love God with our minds, the more we’ll be driven to do that other thing that is alien to us in our fallen condition, namely, to worship Him.”

R. C. Sproul

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but at church on Sunday my pastor said this: “the body follows where the mind leads.” Chewing on this idea more made me realize how true it is. I experience this first hand all the time, the most apparent way being my Christian life. The more I stay in the Word and go to church and am involved in youth groups and Bible studies, the more I feel like my life, even aside from those things, is reflecting God. Because if your heart is not in the right place, then how can we possibly shine for Christ? The light of Christ might not be visibly seen, but it’s that which is unseen that usually has the largest impact.

Glorifying God can be done in every thought we make. Every action, every word spoken, and even every mindset we choose to have before a track meet. When you set godly intentions and react to situations in a manner worthy of the Gospel, that’s when you’re living (competing!) for the Lord. 

Thus, the question remains.

Who do you compete for?

Let’s talk! How was your week? Do you always say something special before competing in something?



4 thoughts on “Who do we compete for?

  1. Brooklyn, very well said. You articulate yourself very well and I’m constantly amazed when I read your thoughts. To answer your question, before doing anything I thank God for the life He has given me and the courage to do the things I do. What I do may not seem like much to others but from the background I came from it’s a wonderful expression of Gods love for me.
    Love you and Keep On Shining 🥰☀️


  2. Hi! I just stumbled across your blog, and I was really excited to find another Christian track runner who’s also a writer! I was even more excited when I saw that you play basketball too, because I’m considering playing for my school team for the first time this year.
    I thought this post was really good, and when I run my first cross-country meet of sophomore year this Saturday, I’ll be remembering that I compete for Christ. Thanks so much!! 💙


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