Hope In The Dark Book Tour & Giveaway!

What’s up my friend?? Today I am SUPER excited because I get to welcome Hannah Wright to the blog! Hannah released her first full-length novel, Hope In The Dark, on MAY 25! Today I will be sharing with you some questions I asked Hannah that’s related to her writing as well as tips for other writers out there, and I also am so excited to share with you a GIVEAWAY! But before we get to that, let me go ahead and introduce the book to you, as well as welcome Hannah Wright to the blog!!

Here is a blurb of Hannah’s novel, Hope in the Dark:

Moving into the great unknown of Featherlight, Idaho, was a huge change for Elizabeth Matthews. But while Asheville, North Carolina was comfortingly familiar, it had left her with a broken heart and a determination to never trust a man again.

Hard working Samuel Bryson is honor bound to provide for his widowed mother and siblings. Determined to live up to his own expectations of being just like his father, he will let nothing get in his way. And that includes marriage.

Serene and cozy Featherlight has taken a turn into something much darker. Newly hired school teacher Elizabeth and Samuel find themselves desperately searching for answers to the suspicious criminal activity around them. They find themselves thrown into facing their worst fears… and each other. In the midst of many unknowns, will they find the courage to do what God is calling them to?

And now some questions I asked Hannah! It was so fun asking these questions and I LOVED her answers!!

When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer?

Ever since I was little I’ve enjoyed writing stories. I loved creating characters and writing about them in their worlds. As I got older I started writing longer things than short stories and I started thinking that it would be fun to write more seriously. A few years ago, I was just feeling really discouraged about the lack of clean and pure fiction and God put a desire in my heart to write books that honor Him and that’s when I really started working on writing more. 

What inspires you to write?

God’s Word is such an inspiration to me. The Lord often lays ideas on my heart from His Word about what to write about. I also love going on Pinterest and I also enjoy researching the setting and time period of what I’m working on and can often get ideas from there! Also conversations I have with others or things that I hear people say can often inspire me too! 

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Hmm… I would say never lose the fun of writing. Don’t worry about making a perfect story, just write because you enjoy it!

How long on average does it take you to write a book?

Well, for Hope in the Dark it took me a little over two years because I did not write consistently and I would work on it on and off! 

Are you a planner or a panster?

I was definitely more of a panster for Hope in the Dark! I tended to just write as ideas came to me. But for me, I definitely saw how helpful it would be to be more of a planner for my writing so I probably will plan a bit more in the future!

If you had the opportunity to live anywhere in the world for a year while writing a book that took place in that same setting, where would you choose?

Ooh that’s such a fun question! I would love to go to Ireland and stay in one of their castles and maybe write a book about a princess from Ireland, I think that would be so much fun! 

How many drafts do your books generally go through before publication?

Hope in the Dark went through about four drafts before it was finished! I went through it a second time after I finished writing it and then my amazing beta readers went through and then my editor! 

What was the highlight of writing this book?

I would say one of the highlights of writing this book was getting to research one of my favorite time periods and coming up with the names for all the characters! I also loved when I finally finished writing Hope in the Dark over quarantine last year, it felt so crazy and amazing to finally finish it!

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My parents are definitely both really supportive. They have always encouraged me in my writing and I’m so thankful for them!

Do you have any suggestions to help myself or others become a better writer? If so, what are they?

Well, I definitely need suggestions too! I really like the quote “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” If I had one suggestion, I would say pray about your writing and ask God to help you craft the stories that He wants you to tell. Have fun and really enjoy the writing process. Write stories that you would want to read. Also, try not to be too critical of yourself on your first draft, just write!

And now, THE GIVEAWAY!!! The rules to enter are SUPER simple, and don’t forget to let any friends or family know about it so they can have a chance to win too!

Hannah Wright is the author of Hope In The Dark and Keeping Faith. She desires to write pure fiction that glorifies God. She is a graduate of Houston Baptist University, and in her free time, she loves reading, spending time with her family and friends, and listening to music and podcasts. To stay in touch with her, you can visit her blog at https://peaceinthechaos.org or follow her on instagram @_hannahsbooknook_

That’s it for todays post! Don’t forget to head over to Instagram to enter the contest, and just a heads up, because of this post there will be no post Tuesday. But, I’ll be back with another post Tuesday the 8th so keep your eyes peeled, and if you haven’t already, you can subscribe to this blog via email so you can get my posts delievered straight to your inbox the moment it’s published!


Buddy Reading

As most of you have probably already come to realize, I greatly enjoy reading. And I’m sure most of you do too. I find it fascinating how an author can grab a readers attention for long amounts of time just by using words. And more than that, creating a story that can make almost any person stop whatever they were doing/could be doing, and read. Now, I’ll try not to get sidetracked here and start talking about what makes a book so good that it can draw almost anyone in, because that’s another post for another time. Today, though, I wanted to share with you a few ways buddy reading has been beneficial to me in more ways then one, and how it can be beneficial for you! Ready? LETS GO.


Everyone catches different aspects in a book, and there have been many times a friend mentions something about the book we read I WOULDN’T HAVE NOTICED OR EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT without them mentioning it first. I do this with friends all the time, even outside of buddy-reading, but when we’re actually in the same place at the same time taking turns reading to each-other, we catch things we can tell the other right then and there. We can make guesses on what will happen next, how the story will end, or whether the author actually did kill off that character, or if he’s just lying to us so we’ll be surprised later.


Is it just me, or are there some books you start reading and then set down for months… and months… and months… Maybe you were even really enjoying the book, you just don’t feel like sitting down and reading.

Yup, it’s the sad truth.

As much as I love reading, I can go through little fazes of barely reading at all. I just don’t feel like spending part of my day reading when I could be outside, getting “higher” priorities done, or SCREAMING Disney songs with my siblings. (If you’ve never done the last one, I highly recommend it) 😁

Having a buddy to read with at already set times get those books read you were putting off. (And then you’ll slap yourself for ever putting the book off because it was SO GOOD. Trust me, it’s happened to me more then once)


I tend to stick to a very limited number of genres, and I also suck at not judging books by their covers. (I actually have a Goodreads shelf specifically titled Beautiful Covers) When reading with a buddy, you have to choose something you’ll both enjoy, and more often then not even venture into reading other genres. Plus, the person you’re reading with might have book suggestions you’ve never even heard of before, so you’re getting more titles to add to your TBR!!


I’ve found, even recently, that quality time with friends and family is SO important. It gives time to get to know each other more, talk about things you might not have wanted to bring up in a group of people, and you get to know the person better. At the moment I am reading through a series with my younger brother who’s eleven, and I always look forward to our time together. I learn so much about him when we do and we become better friends. I tend to spend most of my time with all my siblings together, but really spending time with each one individually can strengthen our relationships with each other.

(TIP: The person you’re reading to doesn’t even have to love reading. My brother isn’t a huge reader, but he enjoys when I read aloud to him)


If you were to spend a day with my besties and I, I’m pretty sure by the end of the day you’d know what books are our favs. And not only that, but probably every ounce of detail. We fan-girl A LOT over specific books, to the point where we have made a hangouts group where we’re each a character from (blank) book, we’ve made recipes from the books, we’ve made buttons, we’ve made fan-art, crocheted the characters/creatures/animals from the book(s), and SO MUCH MORE. *totally nerding out* What’s more fun then debating for hours on end whether only 2 characters died or 2.5? (And yes, that has happened before and has still not come to a full conclusion.)

Have you ever buddy-read with someone? What’s your favorite book to fangirl or fanboy over?


Little Men Book Review

Author: Louisa May Alcott

Pages: 420

Age for reading: I think all ages would enjoy this book, although 10+ would probably like it the best and understand the characters a little more then a 6-year-old would.

My Rating: 5/5 stars!

Synonpsis: With two young sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the unusual school at Plumfield, Jo March – now Mrs Jo Bhaer – couldn’t be happier. But the boys have a habit of getting into scrapes, and their mischievous antics call for the warm and affectionate support of the whole March family to help avoid disaster…

My Review: Little Men wasn’t a super new read to me, as my Mum has read it aloud once before and we watched the movie once, but it’s been many years and I could only remember bits and peices. When this book came up as an option to read for school, I wasn’t overly thrilled, as I didn’t remember loving it when I was younger, and I have never read many classics. Plus, whenever I hear someone talk about loving classics I immediantly think of Jane Eyre and cringe. 😆 So, I flipped open the book and expected to have a more dry read then most my books, and was immediantly surprised by a great work of literature with such great life-like characters and chapters that made me laugh and cry inside all at the same time. I loved, loved, LOVED this book!! I loved every chapter, I loved the authors way of writing, the wording is just so proper and fun and so much more! It definately has got me interested in reading more classics, esspecially more from this author. *cough* I might be *cough* reading Jo’s Boys now 😀

There are so many good messages that come out of the book, and it was so fun to see characters from Little Women continue their stories here. 

I highly recommend giving this book a shot! 

Have a good week!

Have you read Little Men? Who’s your favorite charater?